We offer a professional service to test for food sensitivity, vitamin/mineral deficiency and digestive enzyme requirements by means of hair analysis. 150 items are tested, including food, drink, airborne, environmental sensitivities and additives.
Many ailment and everyday symptoms may be caused by food sensitivities. An objective test may lead to the cause being eliminated.
Any of the following symptoms may indicate that you have a problem with food sensitivity:
mood swings, bloating, low energy, arthritis, diarrhoea, runny nose, itching, rashes, IBS, cloudy thinking, eczema, hyperactivity, joint ache, asthma..
You can access this test by simply bringing in a lock of your hair, which will then be analysed. You will be provided with a list of all of the items of which you are sensitive to. A diet sheet may also be provided when required, showing you where items may be hidden in secondary foods. In addition full, easy to follow, written instructions are given on the procedure for elimination, making the whole process simple and easy.
Please note this service is not a substitute for medial advice, when needed.
Cost – £48
Call Appleseeds on 01229 583394 for more information.